Female drone pilots flying towards employment equity in science and technology - ABC Online

Posted October 24, 2016 14:30:04

Scientist, lecturer and drone pilot, Dr Karen Joyce is on a mission to attract more women to the fields of science and technology.

But the more important job, she said, is to keep them there.

According to the Australian Academy of Science, women account for less than 20 per cent of scientists in the nation's universities and research institutes.

In specialised areas of study, that statistic drops even further — Dr Joyce is among only 1 per cent of Australia's professional female drone pilots.

"That's an amazing statistic for me because I can't understand why we're so underrepresented," Dr Joyce said.

This month Dr Joyce, along with fellow drone pilot and researcher Dr Catherine Ball, launched She Flies, which they hope will encourage more women to get involved in science and technology, particularly drones.

"We want to really encourage girls and women to engage with this technology, have a bit of fun with it, and see that it can be a real career path for them as well," Dr Joyce said.

In 2017 She Flies will begin running 'drone days' in Australian schools and week-long drone camps, and organising corporate events tailored towards women.

"We understand that for girls to get involved with technology and stay involved in it they need support from their teachers and parents," Dr Joyce said.

"We'll be involving those teachers and parents in the activities that we do in the schools … fun things like learning to code the drones to do synchronised dancing, create maps and of course understanding the safety and ethics around when and where we fly."

Changing the face of 'drones for girls'

The ultimate goal for the She Flies program is to change the way society views female drone pilots.

"If you go to Google images and do a search for 'drones for girls' the images that come up I find quite offensive," Dr Joyce said.

"What you'll see is a range of women in very small bikinis holding drones — and this is seen as what depicts my profession when it's absolutely not.

"I'd like to see the images that come up when we search 'drones for girls' to be women and girls using drones for science, for fun, for photography — inspiring pictures of women and girls using the technology."

Peer support the key to retention

Dr Joyce said the reason women were underrepresented in the fields of science and technology remained something of a mystery.

"We do know that girls are more likely to engage in technology if they have a space where they feel safe to do so, and usually that's around their peers who are like-minded," she said.

"That's why we've developed the program to take it [places] where we can have just girls, in a space by themselves.

"We know that teenagers have different needs and ways in which they learn, and this is embracing the ways they want to learn."

Already, within a month of launching the website, the She Flies program is attracting overseas attention.

"We've been able to reach into areas that we didn't think we'd be getting to," Dr Joyce said.

"There's been discussion with people in the United States about bringing She Flies over there and we've had discussions with colleagues in Asia as well.

"Everyone we mention it to thinks it's fabulous and we've just been blown away with the amount of queries and sign-ups."

Topics: science-and-technology, women, university-and-further-education, cairns-4870


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