Technology has shared a lot of pros to everyone's lives, however, it also has sets of cons to watch out for. ( Goldman Sachs/YouTube Screenshot )
The advancement of technology has undeniably brought many advantages to the lives of many people. One of which is the convenience in almost everything such as cooking, communication, transportation, and gaming. However, it also has sets of drawbacks that each user should watch out for.
In 2017, it is expected to have more developments compared to the preceding years and although these means more ease, there will also major disadvantages. One worrying technology trend is that humans are doomed to be replaced by robots and AIs in their jobs. This scenario can be seen in movies but sadly, this is slowly happening now.
For example, the manufacturing industry uses more automation and robots instead of humans in doing a certain task. Probably, this is because aside from robots are somehow more efficient and are lesser to get tired, they are also more affordable.
According to Forbes, about 35 - 50 percent of are at risk of losing their job due to automation. This would affect more of those who are under the blue collar but, even professionals such as paralegals and customer service representatives may also feel the changes.
With the birth of different technologies, there are higher chances for lives to be extended, health to become better, and basically, it could stop or prevent dying. This may sound great but the sad reality is that it can have massive implications for the economy and society. As the population increases, so as the demand for different resources such as food. This also means requiring more health care facilities to accommodate the elderly.
Finally, there's a higher chance of using the data against its users. A perfect example would be Russia's involvement in the issue of hacking the presidential election in favor of Trump's victory. (via CNN) Hackers are all over the world and despite the progress with internet and data safety and security, there are still possibilities about hacking several important information.
This is one sad result of too much development. Therefore, it is just as important to consider many things such as privacy, when including technology in the daily lives.
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