As part of The Post and Courier's "Every Other Breath" series, the newspaper obtained a one-of-a-kind thermal imaging camera from FLIR to document everyday sources of invisible CO2 emissions.
The National Press Foundation selected Post and Courier reporter Tony Bartelme for its 2017 Technology in Journalism Award for the story “Chasing Carbon,” which documented carbon dioxide emissions with a one-of-a-kind thermal imaging camera.
The judges said Bartelme “used infrared technology as a unique way to dramatically illustrate the greenhouse gas footprint in the community.”
Bartelme borrowed the $90,000 camera from FLIR, a company that makes advanced thermal imaging devices for industry and military customers. The liquid-cooled camera is capable of rendering images of carbon dioxide, which is invisible to the naked eye.
“Chasing Carbon provides infrared evidence that carbon emissions are everywhere, from leaf blowers to smokestacks,” the judges said. “This is great journalism supported by a novel technology tool.”
NPF judges also awarded an honorable mention to Newsday for “Separate & Unequal,” an interactive investigation of property tax burdens.
The Technology in Journalism Award, established in 2015, recognizes individuals or organizations that develop, adapt or creatively apply specific tools or technologies in the gathering and reporting of impactful journalism of the highest quality.
The National Press Foundation is an independent nonprofit that is run by and for journalists. "Chasing Carbon" was part of a yearlong climate change series called “Every Other Breath” that won the American Geophysical Union’s Walter Sullivan Award, a top science writing honor.
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