Moran selected for technology leadership in education award - The Charlottesville Newsplex

ALBEMARLE COUNTY, Va. (CBS19 NEWS) -- An international organization of educational leaders from 126 counties has selected a local superintendent for its Making IT Happen achievement award for 2018.

The International Society for Technology in Education picked Dr. Pam Moran of Albemarle County Public Schools as one of its two Virginia recipients.

According to a release, ISTE said “rapid advances in technology have had a profound impact on the way in which we work, communicate and live, but education has struggled to keep pace.”

“Pam Moran's vision and leadership have transformed the learning environment as we know it,” said Karen Richardson, the executive director of ISTE's Virginia affiliate. “She understands how technology can support and enhance the 21st century classroom.”

In the announcement, the Virginia Society for Technology in Education says ACPS has “developed a nationally recognized maker curriculum and opened one of the first CoderDojo Academies where the focus is on teaching computer coding and science skills to students.”

Moran has also delivered several TED Talks on the impact of creating contemporary learning environments for students.

The Making IT Happen award was founded in 1995 to highlight the role educators have in the learning process through the use of technology.

The second 2018 Virginia recipient is Dr. Jan Streich, the executive director of Learning and Organizational Development for Stafford County Public Schools.

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