K-12 teachers presented the ways they are using technology in their classrooms to the Centerville School Board Monday.
Presentations came from all schools in the district and included interactive experiences for the board.
Most notable, school board president Marty Braster said during the meeting, was that technology allows for more individualized learning. It also allows for that to take place between a student and their teacher, with the rest of the class none the wiser.
Individualized learning allows teachers to challenge students that are perhaps ahead of their peers, while giving additional resources to students who are behind.
Teachers use Google Classroom to organize assignments. Some are also transitioning to Google for testing, allowing the tests to be graded instantly while also recording meaningful data.
"I have from three years ago, tests that I have given," said high school teacher Tracie Valentine. "So I can go back and I can look at what questions these kids are missing frequently."
Following that, she can assess why students have missed the question and change the test or how she teaches the subject matter accordingly.
"It's a good reflection piece for me," she said.
The board learned were also presented with a three-year technology purchase proposal, which they didn't make a decision on Monday. It was presented that new computers for teachers is a pressing concern, as many are still operating on Windows 7 machines. Microsoft has announced they will no longer issue security updates for that operating system beginning in January 2020, leaving the school vulnerable to security issues if they aren't replaced.
The purchase would involve consolidating some teachers from using multiple computers to having just one machine for all tasks.
Additionally, a $125,000 proposal to purchase technology next year was presented.
Later Monday at the board's regular meeting they approved an out of state band trip for students to Chicago. Band boosters raised the funds and students are spending $100 each plus additional costs for various activities. The district was not asked for financial support for the trip, merely permission.
In other action:
— The board approved correcting the 2019-20 school calendar to show the proper date for Thanksgiving.
— Resignations, transfers and employment contracts were approved by the board.
Kyle Ocker can be reached at kocker@dailyiowegian.com or by calling the newsroom at 641-856-6336. Follow him on Twitter @Kyle_Ocker.
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