One-stop-shop for everything technology-related - Burnett County Sentinel

Starting out as an administrative assistant for a relatively small company, Sara Reimann was constantly being pulled aside to help with computer-related issues. It just came naturally to her: the problem-solving, the “techy” stuff, everything related to computers. When the business she was working for dissolved, Reimann decided to go back to school to pursue her computer degrees.

Reimann grew up in Shell Lake and has two separate degrees from WITC-Rice Lake in computer networking and micro-computer software. After her own education, she began working for larger companies in the IT field and teaching local community education classes. She has also taught several customized training classes for local businesses contracted with WITC-Rice Lake. Her dream of being self-employed began when her children were young.

“I wanted to find a way to stay home and raise my kids while still being able to provide an income for my family. I was looking to find a happy balance between the two,” said Reimann.

That’s when Reimann started making frequent house-calls because, at that point, she was working out of her home. She would travel to a client’s house and work with them for an hour or two, then move on to the next house. Ultimately, she felt as though she was limiting her work because she realized she could only make so many house-calls in a single day.

After three or four years searching for a place to call home, Reimann found a “For Rent” sign right in the heart of Siren in the same building that housed Trader Bills.

“When I first opened the shop, I had envisioned it becoming a place for my current clients to come to me so that I could help more people throughout the day rather than driving from house to house. Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine that it was going to blow up the way that it did. People started asking about computers for sale which is when we started carrying tons of inventory,” said Reimann.

It wasn’t until late November that Reimann and her crew at Professional Tutor made the move from their original location to the new one right next door to Trader Bill’s in Siren.

“We needed more space, so we could finally expand our classes, staff, and reach. This move was one of the best decisions we’ve ever made. Our classroom doubled in size, and our clientele has tripled from the early days of Pro Tutor,” said Reimann.

The business currently offers four main areas of focus: computer sales, service, training, and repair. They carry laptops and desktops brand new in the store with great prices that are comparable to major competitors. Their prices also include the transfer all of your old files to your new computer, as well as training on how to use the programs on your computer.

“We want to take the scare aspect out of new, shiny technology. Our goal is to be your one-stop-shop when it comes to anything and everything technology-related. Our primary focus is to help bridge the gap between technology and the everyday consumer,” said Reimann.

Pro Tutor has created something that is desperately needed in the Burnett County area. Reimann is also an on-staff professor at WITC so she teaches credited classes on both Excel and Word at the college while also offering classes in-store to the community. Teaching is her absolute favorite thing to do and where she feels at home.

“In all my classes, I never begin with a syllabus. I ask the person or group what they already know, take a few steps back, and start from there,” she said.

They currently offer classes in Microsoft Office, Microsoft 10, computer basics, Mac operating systems, social media, Google Suite, community education courses, photo organization, and even classes on your smart phones and tablets! To find more information about the classes they are currently teaching visit their website at

Reimann says, “My goal for the store is to continue to see growth in the classes and services. Since last fall we’ve implemented a computer monitoring agent so we can see what you see from virtually anywhere and we’ve recently added an internet café.”

The internet café is available when classes aren’t in session. There you can work on resumes, answer emails, and get all the work done you need to as long as you call and reserve a spot. They also offer printing services for a small fee! This isn’t meant to be a one-on-one training session, but it is a great place to go for those in need of tech support here in Siren.

“It has been a fun adventure. No two days are the same which is something I really enjoy. We’re not really built to be a huge business, but I think that is why we are perfect for this community. We’ve tried to be as creative as possible with our marketing which is why we’ve come up with the almost-famous Terabit T-Rex (found in videos on their Facebook page),” said Reimann.

She wants to provide her clients with local technology services (rather than traveling to larger cities), assistance with ever-changing software, and become a place for individuals (regardless of income) to be educated and advance their skills in a competitive workforce.

Reimann concluded with, “I firmly believe I am here to educate others. The more educated you are on how to use your computer and stay safe, the better off you will be. I want to fill that void and make a difference in this community.”

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