The technology industry is under intense scrutiny by governments and elected officials who often state that technology services and business models have adversely impacted society and humanity. Think of how parliaments consistently make demands of Mark Zuckerberg to answer for scandals and tragedies fueled by Facebook or how U.S. presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren made headlines by calling for breaking up the biggest tech companies under FAANG anti-trust laws.
While grievances can be legitimate, they overshadow how advances in technology are providing new opportunities and possibilities to drive social impact at scale. It’s easy to say that technology companies and governments should work together, but in today’s environment, it can be difficult to convince people this is achievable. I want to share three prime examples of emerging technologies with opportunities for corporate and government cooperation that will drive tangible benefits for their and companies’ bottom lines.
1. Biometric IDs Grant Access For Impoverished Citizens
Traditional methods of authentication involve paperwork such as a driver’s license, Social Security number or birth certificate. But many impoverished people can’t access those as a result of being born outside hospitals or being unable to afford the procedures needed to acquire a driver’s license. This is even true in the most developed countries, like the United States. As you probably know, biometric identification (ID) recognizes and analyzes an individual based on fingerprints, eye scanning and other physical traits -- providing consumers with an easy and affordable verification method.
Many companies and governments around the globe have already implemented biometric IDs for security purposes, managing employees, tracking records, onboarding and several other processes. While biometric ID can have the reputation of being surveillance tools, they do generate positive results. In 2010, India began the Aadhaar program to provide biometrics as a new identification program. Many Indians, particularly those in impoverished areas, did not have bank accounts five to 10 years ago. Now, these citizens can open bank accounts over the counter with a fingerprint.
Companies should be investing in the infrastructure and best practices for these offerings, including bank loans, direct deposit, and e-commerce purchases. Companies get new customers, and governments get upwardly mobile citizens.
2. Speech-to-Text (STT) To Overcome Language And Literacy Barriers
Speech-to-text is more than a way to transcribe notes or iMessages. Like biometrics, STT provides the ability for onboarding, transaction and connections for individuals who couldn’t access crucial aspects of society due to language barriers. For example, Google is using STT to help the deaf community via its Live Transcribe and Sound Amplifier apps, enabling deaf people to interact with those who can’t speak ASL in real time, making conversation easier for both of them.
In India, people are hesitant to engage with new technology because they face challenges when their own language is not supported within applications and browser pages — or they’re illiterate. With STT, speaking is all that’s needed to enable financial transactions or request medical services and other services that were previously inaccessible. This also works for refugees and recent immigrants who struggle with language barriers. The government could grant inexpensive smartphones with STT translation services to these individuals, allowing them to interact with digital and in-person services while learning the local language.
With investments in STT-enabled applications targeting these communities, businesses get another new set of customers and help their employees interact with people who don’t speak the same language. Governments should be subsidizing these investments to increase the economic power and self-sufficiency of the most marginalized members of society.
3. Virtual Reality And Augmented Reality For Reskilling And Education
Right now, a lot of technical skills, such as computer repair, machine repair, electrical work, welding, etc., require training from professionals at specific facilities and technical facilities, as there’s a lot that can’t be learned via computer screens. It's the same with high-demand jobs such as nursing and senior care. There’s a number of people who would benefit from this training, but they can’t access teachers, education, institutes or recruiters simply because they can’t physically travel to them. Virtual reality (VR) headsets such as Oculus Rift are currently seen as a fad that’s only value is in providing a new way to experience video games. But with the right software, those headsets could teach someone how to repair cars or other machines. Artificial intelligence and VR will allow further technical training to take place virtually, creating new opportunity in remote areas.
Companies and educational institutes will need to ensure access to the headsets required for training, even if that means sending them through the mail. They’d also need to get the right software built and ensure the user experience is close enough to the real thing. Both these costs could end up being substantial enough to cause many companies to balk at initial investment in these programs. This means the costs involved will have to be subsidized by the government. Also, governments are going to need to modify the regulations around these jobs by allowing the certification of workers trained via VR or augmented reality (AR).
Success Means Keeping Initiatives Secure
As part of these ideas or similar social good initiatives, it’s crucial to remember security will be paramount for establishing trust in these emerging technologies. The starting point is standard security protocols, such as encrypting stored data then adding tech such as blockchain and AI for further protection. Beyond that, government policies and corporate best practices need to ensure that the consumer data used in these types of initiatives is treated with respect.
With solutions that benefit disadvantaged members of society, companies can help restore the public’s trust in technology and how it’s being used in the enterprise world. Companies owe it to themselves to improve public perception, for continued public support and purchases of their products.
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