Unbabel CEO Vasco Pedro: Customer interaction channels are evolving in line with technological & cultural shifts.
UnbabelSo much of what is developing in technology right now is aligning itself towards so-called ‘self-service’ options for users to be able to 'get stuff done’ (or actioned and resolved) in ways that would have previously always meant engaging with another human being.
This isn’t just Artificial Intelligence (AI), airport-style kiosk computers and chatbots (although it does include all three); this is self-service where organizations have worked to build automation layers into their business so that self-service ‘tickets’ for IT Service Management (ITSM) desk jobs can be executed without a service agent needing to physically engage, or attend a user’s desk or location. It is also the extended use of AI to ‘talk’ to humans, the ability for social media platforms to communicate with you on increasingly direct (but essentially automated) interactions... and for IT systems to remind you to be at the dentist by text message and so on.
All of these self-service elements are now driving software application developers’ interest levels towards platforms that can understand the language patterns being expressed by real human beings, and so help to self-serve.
Survey spin, or substance?
A recent 2019 survey suggests that 88% of companies believe ‘self-service’ will be the fastest growing channel in customer service by 2021. But surveys are rarely presented without a degree of spin, so should we be wary of the State of Native Customer Experience Report being presented by Unbabel? After all, the company specializes in producing a customer service product that allows enterprises to understand (and be understood by) their customers in dozens of languages.
The survey itself was commissioned by Unbabel and run by Execs In The Know, a community of customer experience professionals. The report would have us believe that ‘average speed of answer’ is no longer the gold standard by which customer support is now measured.
When asked which general factors had the highest impact on customer satisfaction, nearly all respondents (92%) rated ‘solving the customer’s problem’ as having the most impact, followed by providing ‘knowledgeable support agents’ (64%) with ‘speed of case resolution’ (62%) only third most important.
In other words, first-time resolution delivered by agents well-equipped to understand and address customer queries and actually fix problems has emerged as the key performance metric. What all this leads us to is a suggestion that -- where these technologies can actually be proven to work and show the right level of intelligence -- we can see more and more chatbots and other forms of automated self-service technologies being deployed. The trend could be especially prevalent in firms that present increasingly web-centric and mobile-first customer engagement options.
Talk is cheap, but Japanese is expensive
The survey also provided a ranking for the most expensive languages to cover in terms of customer support. Japanese ranked first as the most expensive language, followed by German, French and Chinese. Why is this so?
The most likely answer is that these are the human languages that are the strictest when it comes to ‘high and formal’ language structure, a challenge often made even tougher where idiomatic nuances of dialect and expression have to be very exact. Unbabel explains that it works to accommodate for this challenge by combining the speed and scale of machine translation with the authenticity that can come only from a native speaker. After content goes through our localized branding engines, a native improves every translation provided on Unbabel.
“The channels where customer interactions take place are evolving along with technological and cultural shifts, the vast majority of respondents [in this survey] expect self-service volumes to increase over the next two years, followed by live chat, social media platforms and text messaging. It makes sense: as primarily digital consumers establish more buying power, they are also demanding comprehensive digital support. Today, it’s more important than ever for businesses to adapt to a globalized economy and serve their customers quickly, cost-effectively and above all in their native language,” said Unbabel CEO Vasco Pedro, who claims that the Unbabel roadmap is being managed to reflect these trends.
Unbabel’s technology is used by customers including Buzzfeed and Under Armour to provide two-way multilingual written conversations in what is close to real time. The technology integrates with Customer Relationship Management (CRMs) systems including Salesforce to look after the typical request that users make of the systems they interact with. A ‘neural network’ intelligence ability allows the technology to decide whether a machine-generated translation requires a degree of human intervention. Equally, Unbabel also provides an AI assistant designed to augment and finesse human translations with additional nuances based upon an individual customer’s requirements.
Sarah Assous is SVP of marketing at Zoovu, an AI conversational marketing platform company. Assous reminds us that self-service offerings can be particularly beneficial for small and medium-sized businesses. She says that while outsourcing can often be difficult and expensive, SMBs with limited resources and budgets can utilize self-service digital assistants to stay competitive and reach the needs and wants of their consumers.
The truth is, bots and AI are now almost always working in the background of telephone-based customer interactions to help self-serve. This is the opinion of Jeremy Payne, VP of Alliances at Enghouse Interactive, a UK-based customer communications multi-channel contact center specialist.
“Where machine learning probably has its most profound impact on society is when we think about the way many of the large social media networks are effectively building a virtual voodoo doll of their customers and using that ever-growing mass of personal data to tune marketing, sales and - most worryingly in the case of Cambridge Analytica – political messages to influence behavior and maybe even the result of an election or vote,” said Payne. He further asserts that despite the fact that data and the ability to machine mine and extract valuable insights from it in an industrial way is widely thought of as the 'new gold', we must be cautious of stepping into a virtual wild west if regulators don’t catch up with the pace at which computing power is evolving.
Artificial Emotional Intelligence (AEI)
Where we go next with these technologies is a point where we question just how human our self-service AI needs to be. There is already talk of putting empathy into AI in the form what is usually referred to as Artificial Emotional Intelligence (AEI), but it’s still early days.
“You missed your flight connection sir/madam? No problem… talk to our chatbot.”
No, that doesn’t quite cut it does it? Or at least it hasn’t up until now. In many ways that actually backs up these survey findings i.e. when we’ve missed a flight we don’t want a quick answer as much as we want the right answer and a means of resolving our problem. Get ready to self-serve yourself with an extra smarter serving.
Airport kiosks: teaching us to self-serve and get used to it.
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