How do businesses extract knowledge from the 175 zettabytes of worldwide data that IDC estimates (via Network World) we'll be reaching by 2025? With the technology available to capture and store it all, the challenge remains how to turn this glut of data into useful information from which we can extract accurate insights that lead to the wisdom required to make great decisions.
How valuable is this information? We'll look to IDC (via Deloitte) once again: It's worth a mind-boggling $ 430 billion, and by 2020, organizations that deliver actionable insights from unstructured data will result in significant productivity gains over their competitors. The numbers are impressive. As much as $ 2 billion would be the average revenue boost annually if companies found a way to increase data usability by just 10%.
Unfortunately, valuable enterprise data is not readily available to those who really need it.
Forrester tells us that more than half of information workers report it’s challenging to derive insights from available data, and 60% lack confidence in the ability to make optimal decisions based on insights derived by data and analytics. Unsurprisingly, workers are only making decisions based on the data they can access. Only about 48% of decisions are made on quantitative information while the rest are solely made on qualitative factors such as gut feelings or opinions.
As we reach and exceed new thresholds of data volume, how do we achieve the velocity required to create value? The answer may lie in deploying artificial intelligence (AI)-enabled knowledge management and data analytics solutions that can help derive answers and insights from these vast pools of data.
Critical components for a cognitive era
The era of AI and machine learning is here. The end goal for organizations of the future will be to make AI accessible to every application, every business process and every user. To achieve this goal and to take advantage of the cognitive future, some of these foundational components need to be put into place.
Organizations must capture and store more data than ever before
For a cognitive application to add value, the solution must be able to draw upon a large pool of data. And business data is growing. Data is stored in big data lakes, business applications, file shares and other places of organization that can be structured, unstructured or semi-structured. Better data quality, fresher data and easier access to that data will pay dividends in the future when deploying cognitive strategies.
Access to analytics and business intelligence (BI)
Business intelligence, visual data discovery and business analytics solutions have a significant role to play in delivering comprehensive insights to non-technical and business users. As organizations capture and store more and more data in data lakes, they'll be eager to enable business users to perform analytics and BI workloads on them in real-time. AI- and machine learning (ML)-enabled analytics (aka augmented analytics) is hailed as the next wave of disruption in the data and analytics market. IDC estimates that worldwide revenues for big data and business analytics (BDA) solutions will reach $260 billion in 2022.
Traditional Search Is No Longer Enough
Traditional enterprise search has shortcomings that make it difficult, or at times impossible, for users to find that proverbial needle in the haystack. A typical search engine, mostly based on indexing and using keywords, often fails to find meaningful results. Furthermore, it typically is able to access only a fraction of the organization’s institutional knowledge, rendering results incomplete and, worse, inaccurate.
Ideally, users should have the ability to retrieve information via traditional text search, verbal communication like Alexa or natural language input that is natural and intuitive, harnessing all of an organization’s corporate knowledge.
Evolving from keywords to context and relevancy will transform data into insights
The big idea here is that information retrieval has moved from queries and keywords to answers and insights. Knowing intent, understanding who is doing the search, in what context, and delivering relevant results is the name of the game. When done correctly, great “search” leads to better customer support, improved employee experiences, and overall reductions in costs and time.
Relevancy is also an extremely important outcome. The goal of relevancy is to provide the best answer for a given search query and deliver the closest match based on the searcher’s context, behavior and profile. The system using machine learning and AI continuously learns and evolves and even reverse engineers its algorithms and scoring methods, improving over time. The more data and experience it is fed, the better the results it produces by learning and adapting from user behavior.
Leveraging machine learning and natural language processing
ML, natural language processing (NLP) and text analytics are key building blocks powering modern search experiences. When a search query isn’t absolutely clear, modern search will leverage NLP, ML and text analytics to help understand the context of the search. ML also provides the ability for a computer to get smarter and adapt to search behaviors automatically, without needing to be explicitly programmed.
Gartner predicts that by next year half of all analytical queries will be done by search, NLP or voice and be potentially generated automatically.
Any organization looking to embrace AI should begin with a well-thought-out plan and address the foundations first before taking the plunge. Often the ideal solutions can be created through an iterative approach instead of deploying complicated technologies and development methodologies that make it difficult for users and developers both to institute changes.
The not-too-distant future will see AI-infused search and BI systems play a more active role in decision making as users receive in-context recommendations and tailored insights from these cognitive platforms.
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