Arguably the biggest TV technology trend at the recent IFA technology show in Berlin was the rise of 8K. The 8K Association was there promoting a new minimum specification for 8K TVs, and most of the main TV brands had some sort of 8K display to show, either out on their stands or tucked away behind the scenes.
In fact, Samsung and Sony’s stands reminded us in no uncertain terms that they’ve already got 8K TVs on sale, while LG used IFA as a platform to announce the arrival ‘in stores’ of its debut 8K TVs, the LCD 75SM99 and OLED OLED88Z9.
LG didn’t stop there with its 8K messaging, though. For in a startlingly public and aggressive move, it devoted a prominent part of its stand to suggesting that the 8K TVs being sold by a key rival - pretty easy to identify as Samsung - aren’t actually 8K at all.
LG claims its new NanoCell 8K TV does REAL 8K...
Photo: LG ElectronicsTo illustrate its point, LG had set up a side by side comparison between its 8K Nanocell set and a ‘disguised’ 8K rival, complete with a magnifying lens attached to each to help visitors see the different sub-pixel structures the two panels use. There was also much talk of how LG’s position on the ‘realness’ of its 8K TVs is supported by the independent International Committee for Display Metrology (ICDM).
The ICDM is described by LG as an ‘industry standards organization’, and is comprised of scientists, engineers, corporate researchers and key members of the display industry. In other words, it’s fair to consider it a pretty big hitter.
LG doubled down on its IFA demonstration with the distribution of no less than three separate 8K-related press releases during IFA week, all issued through its official PR channels, and all eager to stress the difference between what LG calls its ‘real’ 8K TVs and the (by extension) pseudo 8K screens being offered by a certain rival.
So what’s going on here? Does LG have a genuine point, or are these new 8K shenanigans more to do with the long running and often bitter battle between South Korea’s two consumer electronics giants? It’s not all that long, after all, since we had the reverse situation, where Samsung was claiming that some of LG’s 4K TVs, which used RGBW panels, didn’t deliver a true native 4K image. So perhaps this is just LG out for revenge. Or a case of Samsung being hoisted with its own petard.
This is the display on LG's IFA stand where it made the case that its new 8K TVs are real 8K, while those of a rival brand are not...
Photo: LG ElectronicsLG’s argument, based on ICDM methodology, is that just physically carrying 7680x4320 pixels is not enough in itself to say a screen is 8K. This idea is based in particular on the ICDM’s assertion that “Resolution is a measure of the ability to discriminate picture detail - ie, the ability to distinguish two adjacent spots on the screen.”
LG expands on this in its most technically detailed (and robustly worded) press release: “Resolution is often confused with horizontal pixel count such as 3,840 pixels (4K) and 7,680 pixels (8K). What’s certain is that a poorly designed display will have lower display quality (i.e. image or text blurriness) even with a high pixel count if adjacent pixels are not clearly distinguishable from one another.”
The ICDM’s approach to measuring resolution tries to take into account this potential for other factors than mere pixel numbers to impact the way a display works when showing 8K. In particular, where resolution is concerned, the ICDM considers Contrast Modulation to be a better measurement of ‘true’ resolution than a mere pixel count.
Contrast Modulation measures the ability of a screen to distinguish a pattern of alternating, one-pixel-wide white and black lines. The higher the percentage of these lines a display can render, the clearer the images and text will appear.
According to LG, the ICDM suggests that a score of 50% is necessary for a TV to be considered ‘real 8K’. LG’s 8K LCD LM99 and OLED 88Z9 TVs apparently both measure in the 90% range, whereas the section of LG’s IFA stand covering this issue suggested that the ‘other brand’s’ 8K TVs were only hitting 12%.
LG's new 8K OLED looks gorgeous. And there's that 'REAL 8K' wording again...
Photo: LG ElectronicsWhy might Samsung’s screens measure so low on a Contrast Modulation scale? It seems to be related at least in part to the approach Samsung has taken this year to improving the viewing angles associated with its VA-type LCD screens. Specifically their combination of a film on the LCD panel and some sub-pixel manipulation. LG’s OLED and IPS-type LCD TVs, on the other hand, don’t need to use any film/sub-pixel manipulation to deliver their wide and fairly wide viewing angles respectively.
I raised LG’s claims at IFA with both Samsung and the 8K Association. The 8KA (of which Samsung is a founder member) does not seem to have an issue with the way Samsung’s 8K TVs deliver their resolution. In fact, it appears that Samsung’s 8K sets comfortably exceed the minimum 8K TV specifications the 8KA has just announced.
LG, notably, is not currently signed up to the 8K Association, so you could potentially see this new dispute over 8K TV technology as partly a clash of measuring methodologies as well as TV manufacturers.
The 8KA was keen to point out when I spoke to them that the ICDM isn’t a ‘standard maker’, but rather produces a series of measurements that manufacturers can pick and choose from. Indeed, in coming up with the criteria by which 8K TVs can earn their 8K Association approved logo, the 8KA is itself to some extent choosing from the ‘menu’ of specifications offered by organizations such as the ICDM.
Contrast Modulation is where it's at in resolution measuring terms, says LG.
Photo: LG ElectronicsThe 8KA does not appear to have fully locked down all the specifications members will be able to use to self-certify their own TVs as meeting the 8KA standard (so far only the minimum standards the 8KA feels consumers should be familiar with have been released). The final, fully detailed standard for manufacturers to work with is expected to be finalized in 2020 - and it seems highly unlikely that Samsung’s current 8K TVs will somehow fall foul of the final 8KA performance recommendations.
Executive Director of the 8K Association, Chris Chinnock, explains the situation like this: “One of the specifications the [8KA] certification group has to validate is resolution. A physical pixel is a dot that can display the full range of colour and luminance. So we know we need to have 33 million of those in an 8K screen. But how do you count them?
“One way to do it,” Chinnock continues, “is with contrast modulation. But we know from the ICDM that there are lots of subtleties and set up characteristics that mean you have to be very careful about how you do this. There are even different interpretations of how to approach it.
“In fact, ICDM is in the process of updating its spec right now because they recognize it was kind of an interim process.
“So [what LG is claiming] is valid in some sense, but is not valid in another sense, because, for instance, contrast modulation is typically only reported as black and white contrast, and in terms of horizontal and vertical. It doesn’t deal with diagonal, and it doesn’t deal with color resolution. So with all these complexities to consider, contrast modulation as LG is talking about it is just one way to measure resolution.”
The Samsung 82Q900RB.
Photo: SamsungSo where exactly do Samsung’s apparently much lower contrast modulation readings come from? “The contrast modulation is lower in the Samsung sets,” suggests Chinnock, “because they focused on detail as opposed to single pixel high contrast. High Contrast may be an acceptable way of counting pixels, but may not be the best way for image quality. I think that would be Samsung’s point here: ‘We optimize for image quality, not counting pixels’.”
I also managed to get an initial response to LG’s claims from Samsung Electronics America’s director of Product Planning, Dan R. Schinasi: “It’s not that we’re against ICDM. ICDM is a cookbook, right? Different tests for different purposes. And contrast modulation comes from back in the days of CRT; it’s nothing new, and it’s kind of reached its current limit. ICDM themselves say it’s incomplete.
“That’s not to say the contrast modulation approach has to be scrapped,” Schinasi continues. “Just that the spec has to be redone. The current approach is about looking at pixels, but with 8K it’s the opposite. It’s not about looking at the pixels, but about getting a holistic image. It’s a whole different philosophy.”
In fact, Samsung technical and engineering representatives at IFA went so far as to suggest that very high contrast modulation measurements might even be detrimental to the all-round image quality experience you get with an 8K TV, adding that in developing its 8K TVs, the company has spent lots of time simply watching the image quality, fine tuning the balance between all the factors that go into a TV picture to get what Samsung considers the best all-round results.
Fascinating though all this high-level 8K debating might be (to me, anyway!), perhaps ultimately the main takeaways from the latest LG vs Samsung bun fight are as follows.
First, 8K is still after all a very nascent technology. Second, even the apparently straightforward TV feature of pixel numbers becomes less and less straightforward the further TV technology evolves. Third, while the sort of squabbling we’re seeing between LG and Samsung around 8K may damage public perception of the technology, it does also bring to light lots of useful background technical information for consumers to digest. Finally, LG and Samsung probably don’t send each other Christmas cards.
If either side of the argument has further comment to make in response to this article, I’ll provide updates on my Forbes channel.
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