Exclusive: Congressman Mike Gallagher On Restoring US Technological Leadership - Forbes

Recently I caught up with Congressman Mike Gallagher (R-WI8) who co-chairs the bipartisan Cyberspace Solarium Commission charged with developing an all-of-government, all-of-society approach to empower the United States to address its cybersecurity challenges. The commission, chartered as part of the 2019 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), is named for Eisenhower’s Solarium Project, then a competition of ideas to develop the strategy against the Soviet Union. The Congressman is well-skilled for the job, having served twice in Iraq as a Marine Corps intelligence officer, as a counterintelligence officer in the Middle East and Central Asia, and as a member of the CENTCOM (Central Command) assessment team. He then earned a PhD from Georgetown and staffed the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Today as a member of the House Committees for Armed Services and Homeland Security, he leads efforts to address threats from China and to restore America’s technological leadership.

As described in detail by annual reports of the bipartisan U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission since 2000, Chinese-made information technology presents numerous threats to the U.S., including espionage, sabotage, and subversion to the resiliency of America’s critical infrastructure and economy—particularly when it comes to 5th Generation wireless technology, commonly referred to as 5G. China’s military and government are one in the same, and they exert both de facto and de juris control over China’s companies. They can, for example, require that a backdoor be installed in a Huawei mobile network base station, Lenovo laptop, or Lexmark printer, or they can collect and process data in China from apps such as TikTok. These backdoors can be installed via software updates and therefore be impossible to detect amongst millions of lines of code. These threats have been known for some time, but not until this administration has there been a meaningful, concerted response to address the problem. Both the White House and Congress have taken steps recently to push back.

Following is my interview with the Congressman slightly edited for clarity.

RL: Everywhere you look, it seems like there’s another story about the race for 5G and the threat from companies like Huawei and ZTE. Where do things stand?

MG: Well, we’re doing pretty well on the home front. The President’s  Executive Order (EO) securing the information and communications technology and services supply chain was a crucial first step. The EO blocks high-risk imports and transactions involving information and telecommunications technology designed, developed, manufactured, or supplied by entities subject to the jurisdiction or direction of a foreign adversary. In short, it would ban companies like Huawei and ZTE from participating in US telecom networks. Implementing regulations were actually due in October, so I am hopeful the Commerce Department will put those out shortly and we can complete the long overdue but critical step of taking care of business protecting our networks here at home.

RL: How about internationally? It seems like Secretary Pompeo is running into some challenges convincing our allies to follow suit.

MG: It’s a mixed bag. We’ve seen some initial successes in countries like Australia, New Zealand, Japan, and even Vietnam. But obviously there’s a lot more to do. And if we can’t convince our closest allies like the UK to eliminate untrustworthy vendors from their networks, we’re in for an uphill battle.

This is why the President’s designation of Huawei on the Commerce Department’s Entity List, which bars US firms from selling the company critical technologies, was so important. Huawei has been working for years to vertically integrate its supply chain and domestically produce the critical components that enable its products. Fortunately, it’s not quite there yet. We have this limited window in which Huawei is still reliant on US technology and therefore vulnerable to our pushback. And that’s exactly what the US government is doing: we are saying that Huawei cannot violate our sanctions, steal our intellectual property, and use predatory pricing to monopolize the global telecommunication market without a fight.

The Entity List is not a long-term solution, but it’s a critical step to delay Huawei’s 5G deployment timeline and give competitors who play by the rules some much-needed breathing space.

RL: You’ve been pretty active legislatively on the Entity List lately, haven’t you?

MG: Codifying Huawei’s position on the Entity List in legislation and ruthlessly enforcing it is by far the most urgent step the US government can take to push back against the Chinese Communist Party, and thankfully there’s an overwhelming bipartisan recognition of that in Congress. The House-passed version of this year’s National Defense Authorization Act includes my amendment to ensure Huawei stays on the Entity List for at least five years after it has stopped violating US sanctions and export controls. I’ve worked on similar legislation with my Armed Services Committee colleague Ruben Gallego (D-AZ) in the House and Tom Cotton (R-AR) and Chris Van Hollen (D-MD) in the Senate that would both codify the administration’s EO on supply chain security and enshrine Huawei’s position on the Entity List.

Negotiations on the final bill are ongoing and I think it’s critical this language survives if for no other reason than to send a unified message from Congress that our national security is not on the negotiating table in any sort of trade agreement with China. The President’s taken incredibly strong actions on Huawei so far, and it’s time we solidify those gains.

RL: After the NDAA, what’s next?

Well, between the supply chain EO and the Entity List, we’ve taken critical steps to defend our networks and those of our allies. But defense alone is insufficient. We need to go on offense, and to do that, we need to define our objectives. It’s not really about blocking Huawei wherever we can. If we set out to do that, we’re going to be doing a lot more losing than winning. Rather, we should define our goal as the survival of a non-Chinese Communist Party dominated global telecommunications supply chain. Huawei’s business strategy tells us everything we need to know about its ultimate objectives: it seeks to drive every other player out of business and gain a de-facto global monopoly. Even with a non-Huawei market close to secure here in the US and in some of our like-minded allies, Huawei’s competitors are going to have an increasingly tough time staying afloat as they are forced to compete with heavily subsidized prices, IP theft, and political coercion.

Our goal must be to strategically block Huawei’s expansion in larger markets that can help keep western-aligned telecom suppliers afloat and at the same time ensure that networks in key regions where US forces may one day be forced to fight – such as the Baltics and Poland – are secure. After all, 5G networks are likely to be attractive options to push enormous amounts of US military data during a crisis scenario, and we cannot afford to have those networks under the control of a foreign adversary like China.

RL: So, if that’s our objective, how can we go on offense?

MG: It’s a good question, and one I frankly struggle with. When Eisenhower entered office, one of the fundamental questions of his review of US policy towards the Soviet Union, Project Solarium, was whether time was on our side. Eisenhower ultimately, and wisely, decided that it was.

I have the great privilege of co-chairing, along with my good friend Senator Angus King (I-ME), the Cyberspace Solarium Commission, where we hope to do for cyber what Eisenhower did for strategy against the Soviets. This question of time is certainly something we’re thinking about on the Commission, and it’s something I think about a lot. Ultimately, I do have faith in our system and the ability of our market to outlast the finely tuned Chinese system. But it’s not a foregone conclusion, and the only thing I know for sure is if we fail decisively, we will lose.

The question I think is how to best capture, encourage, and magnify the core strengths of our system while ensuring we don’t go down the road of central planning and thought control like the Chinese government. I think one way we do that is coming up with creative ways to support non-Huawei 5G bids abroad. I’m very intrigued by the idea of coming up with a sort of Digital Development Fund that could use lines of credit from the US and like-minded countries to help subsidize 5G bids in some of those critical markets I mentioned. The idea is to narrow the price differential to the point where governments could begin to start making network decisions on factors beyond price alone.

So I think there are plenty of opportunities like that out there, but we will have to get creative, we will have to understand the stakes, and we will have to act with a sense of urgency.

RL: That we will. Thank you Congressman Gallagher, for your time.


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