Joy Buolamwini is an enemy of the technologies of injustice. Her Algorithmic Justice League leads the resistance against the tyranny of big data and the ill-conceived uses of face recognition. Everywhere new technology is being exploited to oppress the already oppressed. Whether you're a woman, poor, an ethnic minority or just from the wrong side of the zip code, there's an algorithm to oppress you.
Law enforcement has been quick on the uptake of the latest algorithms for predictive policing and face recognition to pick out criminals from the crowd. And algorithms are being increasingly used to determine bail risk and incarceration time. But it is fast becoming evident that proper validation has not been conducted to ensure fairness. There appears to be more concern about how much the systems cost than about the injustice caused by their use.
It is people with darker shades of skin and women who suffer most prejudice from a technology that is not fit for purpose. Some argue that technology is neutral because it doesn't get angry, it feels no hatred and it has no bad intentions. Yes, the bias does not come from an inanimate machine, it comes from the humans who build it, code it and who decide how it is used.
A probe, by Big Brother Watch, into the UK police's use of automated face recognition to find criminal faces in crowds showed massive inaccuracy. At best only 5% of those identified were correct. The worst results were for darker shades of skin at the Afro-Caribbean Notting Hill festival. The accuracy of correct identification fell to 2%.
The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) had similar results when they tested Amazon’s Rekognition system, used by U.S. police departments, on members of Congress. The system incorrectly identified 28 representatives as known criminals. Noticeably the 28 were disproportionally from African-American and Latino minorities.
Buolamwini also conducted a comprehensive research study on three major commercial face recognition systems for gender classification: IBM Watson Visual Recognition, Microsoft Face Detect and Face++. The face pictures were of parliamentarians from three northern European countries and three African countries. A range of skin shades was represented. All systems performed better on males versus females and the lighter the skin the more accurate the results. All performed worst on darker female faces with error rates from 20.8% to 34.7%.
Bias in the culture of design, coding and the data
When algorithms are designed, developed and coded inside a predominately white male culture, the shared values of the powerful become the norm. Unconscious bias creeps unseen into code or there is a lack of thought for those not represented in the team. The following video shows a classic yet unbelievable example of how lack of diversity can even make a soap dispenser 'racist'. It there had been a member of the team with a darker shade of skin this would not have happened.
An alternative method to keep the bias of programmers out of the loop is to use statistical 'learning' methods like deep learning. These allow the decision algorithms to acquire rules directly from a massive data sample. That sounds more neutral than a coder's unconscious biases but it isn't. Big data often contains the very racism and misogyny we seek to avoid. Hidden injustices secretly chip away at our hard-fought-for progression to equality.
With humans, we can see the hatred and stupidity in the eyes of racists and misogynists. We can smell their ill intent like old fish left in a cupboard to rot. We can interrogate them in a court of law and make them explain their behavior. The technologies of injustice are not so transparent. With statistical learning algorithms, the representation of the rules is opaque and their discriminations are hidden in large matrices of numbers. When these algorithms deliver an injustice, the explanation of how and on what basis a decision was arrived at has less clarity than Mad Hatter's tea party
The mad tea party.John Tiernniel
The Algorithmic Justice League (AJL)
Enough was enough. Enter Buolamwini to lead the charge. She started the Algorithmic Justice League after meeting Cathy O'Neil at the Harvard Bookstore when she was doing readings from her best seller 'Weapons of math destruction'. Hearing O'Neil talk about algorithmic injustice, the penny dropped and Buolamwini put it together with her own experience of face recognition software.
Previously, as an undergraduate at Georgia Institute of Technology in 2011, Buolamwini worked on a human-robot research assignment and discovered that the robot had problems detecting her face. She had to borrow the white face of her roommate to test the code she had written. Double take - what!
Four years later Buolamwini, by this time a Graduate student at MIT, had a similar experience when the facial tracking software she was using couldn't find her face. It wasn't a problem of inaccurate face recognition. It was what she calls, the missing face problem. She solved the problem by wearing a white mask.
After the meeting with O'Neil, Buolamwini was fired up and knew that she had to do something. She told me,
I started wondering what could be done to raise public awareness about these issues, identify harmful bias in existing AI systems, and mitigate risks. Perhaps an organization that challenged harmful bias in AI and championed both ethical and inclusive technology that benefited all of us - not just the privileged few.
It was important that she used her technical skills for positive impact. But she also took the opportunity to use her considerable storytelling skills to make issues of bias in AI accessible. Hence the Algorithmic Justice League was born in the November 2016. And what a start. That same month her talk on the Coded Gaze, an algorithmic bias that can lead to exclusionary experiences of discriminatory practices, has been viewed more than a million times on the TED talks home page.
Her entertaining and poetic artistic methods are bringing forth the societal danger of algorithmic injustice to the public in new ways. This genuine public engagement from the 'poet of the code' as she has become known. This video of her poetic approach shimmers with her passion and determination.
Buolamwini's poetry is a really important motivator for her work. She told me that when she was debating whether to pursue the Algorithmic Justice League, she returned to the following poem that she wrote when she first moved to Boston to begin her journey at MIT.
With safety in sight and security calling, would you turn back for the forgotten ones?
Would you risk your comfort or diminish your power to reach out to those left in the shadows?
Would your lips testify of uncanny truths or instead would you swallow your conscience and cough up excuses?
I diverted my eyes because I was afraid that I would see myself in the shadows.
And yes, she was there.
Her name was Potential.
Her crime was hope.
She lived in a city that promised equality yet did not know the meaning of equity.
Prestige and privilege masquerade as merit though much of what is achieved is a function of what we inherit.
- Joy Buolamwini October 17, 2015
The Safe Face pledge puts a precautionary principle in place
Now Boulamwini's AJL, with support from the Center on Privacy & Technology at Georgetown Law, has produced the Safe Face Pledge. They are urging public and private organizations such as NEC, IBM, Microsoft, Google, Facebook Amazon, Megvii, and Axon to sign the Safe Face Pledge. Three producers of facial analysis software, Robbie.AI, Yoti and Simprints already have confirmed that they will sign the Safe Face Pledge.
Auditing algorithms to detect bias presents enormous challenges. Racism and gender inequality can be very subtle in the output of decision systems. And when the biases concur with the biases of the users, they remain unnoticed. We usually can't tell about the injustices until an independent group conducts their own analysis after struggling to get hold of the data. Then it is treated as, "we've sunk all our money into this and will continue to use it - it will get better".
From a human rights and justice perspective we need to adopt a precautionary principle. Decision algorithms should not be used if their societal benefits are uncertain and scientific evidence suggests bias, In other words, if in doubt don't. When an algorithm is likely to have a significant impact on lives, the burden of proof should lie firmly at the feet of the company using it. There needs to be an independent scrutiny rather than the usual developer assurances that it is fair.
The Safe Face Pledge directly puts the precautionary principle in place on a voluntary basis. And it goes further than just civil discriminatory practices.
The pledge challenges the weaponization of automated recognition for the development of military targeting systems. This aligns strongly with ongoing work at the United Nations by the Campaign to Stop Killer Robots. I have previously detailed, in an International Committee of the Red Cross blog post, the unconscionable harm that could result from the use of automated face recognition in lethal targeting
my own work and the work of the Campaign to Stop Killer Robots at the UN. In a blog post for the International Committee of the Red Cross, I detail the inhumanity that could result from using face recognition systems for lethal targeting.
Buolamwini and I also agree that even if automated face recognition became very accurate it could cause even worse problems. This would be putting too much additional power into the hands of the already powerful. It would be the dream technology for any wannabe authoritarian regime.
Quoting directly from the AJL press release:
This historic pledge prohibits lethal use of the technology, prohibits lawless police use, and requires transparency in any government use. The SafeFace Pledge provides actionable measurable steps companies can take to responsibly deploy facial analysis technology. Safe Face companies agree to the following 4 commitments
Show Value for Human Life, Dignity, and Rights
Do not contribute to applications that risk human life
Do not facilitate secret and discriminatory government surveillance
Mitigate law enforcement abuse
Ensure your rules are being followed
A ddress Harmful Bias
F acilitate Transparency
E mbed Safe Face Pledge into Business Practices
A callout to tech companies
We're running out of places where we can hide our faces. Let's buck the trend and put an end to injustice. Let's make amends to minority faces and for the hidden gender places where discrimination hides. Let's stop the inhumanity and end the insanity of unfairness. Equality is not a gift, it's a human right.
I call on companies to come forward. You know who you are and you have called for greater regulation to bring more justice and to stop your competitors getting ahead when you back off. Well here is an opportunity for you. Sign the Safe Place Pledge now and stop technological injustice before it gains too strong a foothold.
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