My One Big Fat Digital Technology Prediction For 2019 - Forbes

'Tis the season for lists, and there are “Top-10” predictions lists aplenty for the year ahead. Keeping with the tradition started here a few years back, I’m only going to unleash on the world one, solitary prediction for the coming year.

In 2019, artificial intelligence (AI) becomes the force that saves AI -- and the digital-industrial complex behind it.  Let me explain: we're seeing some fresh thinking about the nature of innovation -- a period of enlightened realism. Some may even call it pushback against the waves of technology that have been sweeping across businesses, jobs and processes. There is already political pushback against data-collecting vendors and services. In an uncertain economy, technology expenses get watched a little more closely. Within enterprises, there is a recognition that while technology makes innovation possible, it is not the innovation itself. Innovation is based on design and thinking of solutions in new ways. 

Can we sustain a one-sided tilt to tech?Photo: Joe McKendrick

The problem is that it's all been overwhelming -- the mountains of data, mountains of gadgets, and mountains of hype have been engulfing us. David Sax, author of “The Revenge of Analog: Real Things and Why They Matter,” reflected this thinking well in a recent New York Times piece, in which he challenged the conventional thinking about technology. Business leaders are increasingly recognizing that buying lots of new toys isn't necessarily boosting the fortunes of their businesses. As he put it: “At best, [tech] is a waste of time and money. Gadgets are procured, deployed and discarded. Resources are squandered as technology’s actual abilities fall short of its promise. People are forced to work at treadmills. Then everyone moves on.”

This is not to say that digital transformation isn't a competitive tool. In a world of devices and networks, technology offers incredible paths to connect with customers, understand their requirements, and predict their requirements. And, yes, data analytics and AI free up people and resources to engage in greater innovation.

But there is also a realization that dropping technology onto a struggling organization isn't going to alleviate the struggle. It takes enlightened, forward-thinking management. People build organizations, people build markets, their and people marshal AI, digital and cloud resources to connect their offerings with markets. As John Mannes observed in TechCrunch, AI needs an "anchor to reality" than only humans can provide.

At the same time, AI provides a way to focus what could potentially be errant technology investments into their most productive contexts. In essence, AI is the tool that's going to help reign in AI. In a recent article, Gabe Batstone, co-founder and CEO for contextere, explains how AI can help find needles in the haystacks of data that is being generated from every corner of the enterprise. It helps “curate big data and determine what contextually-relevant information workers may need at a given moment. AI breaks the analysis-paralysis cycle and effectively execute on the insights derived from big data.” 

AI may also help alleviate the other side of the digital adoption problem -- skills and staffing. Companies will turn to AI to connect employees and end-users to the insights they need, without additional training and expertise, as related by Doug Bordonaro, chief data evangelist at ThoughtSpot. "I’ve worked with large companies all over the world and the message I’m hearing is amazingly consistent: AI has radically changed the way that everyday non-technical users interact with data," he says. "It changes the demand equation from being IT-led to business-led, and it’s now starting to change the role of IT from providing technology to providing data. For almost 50 years, the only way to get access to data was to get a report. Because of that, almost everyone defines the data access problem in terms of needing faster reporting, not better access to data. The trend we’re seeing now toward self-service analytics is shifting the entire data access paradigm."

AI will also help the digital technology coming into organizations run more smoothly, not only spotting bottlenecks and performance issues, but also fixing them long before they are noticed by end-users and customers. Digital platforms and channels can be complicated stuff, that's why highly focused AI implementations may ultimately help enterprises realize value from all these digital technologies for which they are paying enormous sums.

For the year ahead, expect to see more AI addressing the complexities of digital -- and freeing up decision makers at all levels to focus on innovation -- even the non-technical kind.

Previous half-baked predictions:

2015: Cloud computing becomes just "computing"

2016: Cloud becomes corporate innovation machine

2017: The rise of the Internet of Things

2018: Cloud morphs into fog computing

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